2022- Your Commission At Work
We have a long-standing association with partners who keep North Carolina Sweetpotatoes top of mind on both the state and national levels.
In the last year their efforts included...
Clarification of the farm exception to building codes to explicitly include buildings used primarily for the storage of agricultural commodities or products, or storage and use of materials for agricultural purposes. The owner of a qualifying building under this sub subdivision shall post a placard on the front of the building. The placard shall be not less than 24 inches by 24 inches in size with a red background, white reflective stripes, and a white reflective border. The placard shall display the words "Ag. Exempt" in white reflective letters not less than 12 inches tall. Clarification of bona fide farming exception to zoning laws to include buildings or structures used “solely for storage of cotton, peanuts, or sweetpotatoes, or any byproduct of those commodities” Provision to ensure NC SweetPotato $5 million grant money did not revert – this is an exception to the usual rules for this type of grant money
Worked with U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives to introduce S. 3134 (Senator Thom Tillis) and H.R. 5887 (Rep. Greg Steube) “Keep Local and Affordable Act of 2021. This legislation would maintain 2021 H-2A adverse effect wage rates for 2022 to stabilize U.S. food prices. (4 NC Congressman co-sponosored H.R. 5887). Submitted request for additional USDA ARS personnel funding for FY 2023 Appropriations for research with Representative David Rouzer. NCSPC supported a letter to USDA Secretary Vilsack in this request. Worked with Members of Congress from North Carolina that serve on the Committees that have jurisdiction over trade related items with Senator Richard Burr and Representative Greg Murphy on export challengers for the industry in the UK/EU.
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