2023 Assessment Newsletter
Connect C State Lobbying Activities July 2022- June 2023
27 § $500,000 additional recurring dollars for the domestic and international promotion of NC sweetpotatoes. § Clarified that current funding from NCDA is to remain intact ($150,000 per year) and that the revised net appropriation for sweetpotato promotion is $650,000 in each year of the biennium. May 2023: Senate Budget is released § IDENTICAL TO HOUSE BUDGET: $500,000 additional recurring dollars for the domestic and international promotion of NC sweetpotatoes. § Clarified that current funding from NCDA is to remain intact ($150,000 per year) and that the revised ne appropriation for sweetpotato promotion is $650,000 in each year of the biennium. IMPLEMENTATION of Session Law 2021-180 (2021 Appropriations Act) Session Law 2021-180 (2021 Appropriations Act) provided funds to the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission for a contract with NC State University to study nematode mitigation. § $2.5 million in funding in FY 2021-2022 § $2.5 million in FY 2022-2023 Coordination with NC State University to finalize contract negotiations and implement the law. Work with NCDA to ensure all accounting guidelines are followed, interest-bearing, etc. Discussions with General Assembly members regarding the necessity of the funds remaining available long-term without reverting (ultimately addressed in 2022 Farm Act) JULY 2022: PASSED 2022 Appropriations Act (Session Law 2022-74) which affirmed the funding provided in 2021 with no reduction or alteration. JULY 2022: PASSED 2022 Farm Act (Session Law 2022-75) Clarified the application of the farm building exception to the building code. Clarification of agricultural uses for the purposes of exemption from county zoning requirements. Mandated study of right to repair farm equipment issue. Requires funds allocated to NC Sweetpotato Commission by Session Law 2021-180 (2021 Appropriations Act) to remain available until expended, and shall not revert. SEPTEMBER 2022 – Work with NCDA to resolve acreage issue and reconcile reporting requirements with state law. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2022 – Agriculture and Forestry Awareness Study Commission hearings across the state of North Carolina where members discussed right to repair farm equipment. January 2023 – NCSPC Annual Meeting in Goldsboro January 2023 – National Meeting in Wilmington February 2023 – Buyback efforts with USDA and Sec. Vilsack PASSED 2023 Farm Act (Session Law 2023-63) – OVERRODE GOVERNOR COOPER’S VETO WITH BIPARTISAN SUPPORT IN BOTH CHAMBERS Clarify agritourism regulations related to farm signs on the right-of-way. Farm equipment defense for running a red light where the red light will not change to green because of an inductive loop, no other vehicle is entitled to the right-of-way, and the farm equipment operator sat at the red light for at least three minutes. Designate the second Wednesday of November of each year as “Farmer Appreciation Day.” Clarification that wetlands classified as “Waters of the State” are restricted to those waters classified as “Waters of the United States” as defined by federal law, and directs the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission to adopt administrative rules consistent with this direction. 2023 Appropriations Act (House Bill 259) – PASSED INTO LAW 9/22 and awaiting Governor’s action November 2022-April 2023: Meetings with members of the General Assembly to inform them of the state of the sweetpotato industry and request additional dollars for the Commission to continue its work promoting the industry. March 2023: Meetings with Michelle at General Assembly to support funding request in 2023 budget April 2023: House Budget is released
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