2023 Assessment Newsletter

NC Sweetpotato Commission Foundation

The NC Sweetpotato Commission Foundation was formed in 2001 to help expand sales and consumption of North Carolina sweetpotatoes, which in turn will aid those farmers and communities by increasing acreage and farm revenue. This purpose is to be achieved in three ways: determining consumer interest in selected value-added products under test and nearing test, focus on technical assistance to manufacturers seeking help in developing sweetpotato products, and by broadening consumer interest in fresh sweetpotatoes. Consumers are recognizing the benefits of eating nutritious and healthy foods, however consumer eating trends evolve slowly, thus continued efforts to provide a safe, nutritious crop, coupled with education in the multitude of ways the NC sweetpotato can be transformed are essential to aiding to increase consumption. Over the years the Foundation has received grant awards that have aided in the development of value-added products. Most recently, awards to develop best management practices and education to growers, as well as consumer education through creating curriculum to begin introducing NC sweetpotatoes in the classroom setting.

Active, or most recently completed grants include:

Specialty Crop Block Grant: Controlling Root-Knot Nematode in Sweetpotatoes Began 1/1/2021; Ended June 30, 2023 14 growers participated; nearly 1,000 samples were tested $175,000 grant for cost-share; $23,871 was spent Final report was submitted

Specialty Crop Block Grant: Controlling GRKN in Sweetpotato Packing Facilities Began 9/30/2022; End Date 6/30/2024 $166,736 grant funds Best Management Practices to control GRKN in packing facilities have been developed USDA Farm to School Grant: From Farm to School: A Wholistic Approach Began July 2021; End Date December 31, 2023 (6-month extension approved) $71,845 granted with $23,949 match from NCSPCF Digital components have been developed for educators; Over 100 educators have been trained on the new digital curriculum

Grants written this year 1. Specialty Crop Block Grant – was not funded 2. Tobacco Trust Fund Grant – approved & awarded $133,380.00

The Foundation will continue to research grant opportunities to help in the mission to increase the consumption of North Carolina sweetpotatoes.


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