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NEWSLETTER COPY Recovery is an essential part of each athlete’s training plan. Without adequate recovery the athlete will not feel their best and not train their best. Sweet potatoes don’t just provide the carbohydrate needed to replenish carbohydrate stores lost during activity but, sweetpotatoes also provide a wealth of naturally occurring antioxidants including vitamin C and beta carotene. Additionally, sweet potatoes can be combined with protein and fluid and made into a smoothie for an ideal recovery drink. They can also be paired with protein via a variety of meals.

TALKING POINTS y Optimizing recovery after training or competition can help athletes feel better and less fatigued while also improving their preparation for the next training session. y Recovery plans should focus on the 4 R’s: Rehydrate with fluids. Sweating leads to fluid and electrolyte losses. Is important to replenish both prior to the next training session. Electrolyte losses can be replaced through foods. In particular, the number one electrolyte lost in sweat, sodium, is in many foods. Though sodium can be easily replaced, many athletes need to focus on fluid intake after activity. In particular, athletes need to consume 1.5 times the amount of fluid they lost through sweat to adequately replace fluid losses. The fluid does not need to be consumed right away and instead it is fine to get it in over a period of time after exercise is completed Replace carbohydrates used during activity It is essential to replace carbohydrate stores prior to the next training session. For athletes who train once a day, this can be done over the course of the 24 hours before they train again. For athletes who train more than once a day, it is essential to replace carbohydrates in a shorter period of time, Inflammation is an essential part of the recovery process. Inflammation is a signal to the immune system to clean up damaged tissue. Yet excess inflammation can be detrimental to muscle. A healthy balance of antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds helps tame inflam mation without completely squashing it which can delay recovery and impair training gains. Sweetpotatoes are great recovery roots They contain about 30 grams of carbohydrate per medium sweetpotato along with naturally occurring antioxidants including vitamin C and beta carotene as well as others. They are tubers which is a category of root vegetables. As a tuber they also pair very well with other root vegetables including carrots, beets, turnips, and onions. prior to the next training session. Reduce potential damage


Creamsicle SMOOTHIE

Ginger Orange SMOOTHIE

SOCIAL POSTS Sweetpotatoes are an ideal recovery food! Blend mashed, cooled sweet potatoes with yogurt, orange juice and protein powder for a protein and carbohydrate rich smoothie that also helps you hydrate and delivers naturally occurring antioxidants for recovery. Improve your recovery with sweet potatoes. Athletes need to rehydrate, repair and replenish carbohydrate stores after activity in order to feel and perform their best. In addition, it’s wise for athletes to reduce excess inflammation by consuming a wide variety of antioxidant rich foods. With 30 grams of carbohydrates and natu rally occurring antioxidants, sweetpotatoes are an ideal food for recovery. For inspiration and recipes visit www. ncsweetpotatoes.com/recipes y Antioxidants are best consumed through anti- oxidant-rich foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Consuming large doses of supplemental antioxidants can be more harmful than healthy for some individuals depending on the antioxidants and person. For athletes, high dose of supplemental antioxidants may dampen the positive actions of free radicals. Free radicals are needed for the muscle’s ability to produce force. y Athletes who are training more than once per day need to replenish their carbohydrate stores prior to the second bout of activity in order to feel their best and train their best. #MarchMadness #RecoveryRoots #HealthyEating #ncsweetpotatoes

Ingredients • 1 cup frozen fat-free vanilla yogurt • ½ cup cold mashed sweetpotatoes • 1 cup orange juice • ½ tsp vanilla extract Greek yogurt

Ingredients • 1 medium baked sweetpotato cooled and peeled • 1/2 tsp teaspoon orange zest • 1 medium navel orange peeled after zesting • 1 medium apple cored • 1 banana peeled • 1 Tbsp maple syrup • 1/2 tsp grated fresh ginger • 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon • 1½ Cups water

Directions 1. Mix all ingredients into high speed blender and blend. 2. Add more ice and sweetener as needed.

Directions 1. Puree all ingredients in a blender until smooth. 2. If desired, add a little more water or ice.



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