FALL 2022

CAPITOL BRIEF’S CONTINUED ruled in favor of the legislature, and so now te General Assembly can intervene in all lawsuits which present federal challengeto state stat utes. A calendar has not been set for briefing or trials, but we expect to hear from the judge soon to direct the parties on the next steps.

LET US HANDLE THE NEMATODES SO YOU CAN HANDLE EVERYTHING ELSE. TELONE™ II is the premiere preplant soil fumigant for managing the major species of nematodes that negatively impact sweetpotatoes, including guava root knot. Apply TELONE™ before planting, to create a zone of protection around delicate developing root systems, leading to healthier plants and higher yields.

The US House and US Senate continue their second session of the 117 th Congress with limitedCongressional activity beyond completely FY 2022 funding back in February 2022. They are currently working on FY 2023 Appropriations funding (expires September 30, 2022), additional funding for defense-related measure supporting theUkrainewar. There continues to be some interest in additional covid fund ing, but unsure if both parties can agree on a new package. The US Senate was able to approve a new Supreme Court Justice that will take the vacant seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer after the Supreme Court ends its term on June 30 th . One item that Congress may have a consensus on at some point this session of Congress is the COMPETES Act that has passed both Houses of Congress and is currently in Conference Committee to work out the differences between the two bodies. The COMPETES Act primarily addresses competition between the United States and China. Both House and Senate Agriculture Committees have held hy brid hearings of the 2023 Farm Bill re newal, but likely would be a moot point if Congress changes majorities in the November elections. In addition, Congress will likely pass a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) before Congress recessing in October for the November 2022 mid-term elections. FEDERAL REPORT Brad Edwards Jenkins Hill Consulting

Contact a TELONE™ Specialist to learn more: www.TeleosAg.com

TELONE™ is a Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow, used under license. TELONE™ is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.

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