FALL 2022

A lot has happened since my last column and given how full this newsletter is, my column will only allow for the highlights, but I am excited to share with you all that I can! This spring and summer have had me on the road and in the air a lot – all in the name of NC Sweetpotatoes! I traveled to Montreal in April to attend the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) for their spring show. This was a tremendous experience as it allowed me to visit numerous retailers and fresh markets to see not only how sweetpotatoes are marketed to consumers, but most especially how North Carolina sweetpotatoes are marketed to Canadian consumers. Participation in this show also allowed me the opportunity to meet others in the specialty food product industry to discuss the use of NC’s finest in their many innovative food products. In May, I had the opportunity to take part in several out-of-state conferences and events, including traveling to Nashville, TN to see NC’s


favorite superfood showcased by numerous rising star chefs in the region who participated in the Star Chefs Restaurant week. If you use social media, check out this Instagram account https://www.in stagram.com/starchefs - you will see where NC Sweetpotatoes have been featured in Washington, DC, Denver, CO, and Nashville, TN already this year and there are two more stops across the country with this promotion to go! The innovative and creative methods of how our sweetpotato has been elevated during each of these city’s restaurant weeks has not only been exciting, but incredibly tasty

as well! (I promise you will do a double take while you reach for a napkin to wipe the drool from your mouth!!) The Commission also had the opportunity to take part in the Today’s Dietitian conference

Michelle Grainger, Chef Michael Gibsobn & Promotions Chair, Brenda Oglesby 5

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