FINAL_ Sweetpotato Cocktail Guide

Roasted Sweet Potato Purée

Ingredients 3–4 sweet potatoes

½ cup water Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper Directions

Autunno Inverno Ingredients 4 oz Sweet Potato Infused Whiskey (recipe on page 28) 1 oz Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur 3–4 dashes Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters Splash of cranberry juice Rye Whiskey Cranberries (recipe on page 28) Sprig of rosemary Directions 1. Fill a shaker with ice and combine all ingredients in shaker, stir with bar spoon 15–20 times. 2. Strain through a bar strainer into chilled martini glass. 3. Garnish with Rye Whiskey Cranberries and a sprig of rosemary. (Note: The Autunno Iverno may also be served on the rocks. Created by Joey Allabach, Vivace Charlotte, North Carolina 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F, prick holes in 3–4 sweet potatoes and roast for one hour. Allow to cool and remove the flesh from the skin. 2. Place the flesh in a blender or food processor with salt and pepper. Slowly add water while blending until smooth. Store in an airtight container. Shelf life is 48 hours.



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