How to Use this Toolkit The North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission’s (NCSPC) Toolkit for Registered Dietitians is a resource to help educate health professionals like yourself, as well as the general public alike about the heart healthy benefits of sweetpotatoes. This toolkit includes healthy sweetpotato recipes, social media post ideas focused on monthly themes and nutrition trends, talking points and printable “teaching tools.” Each tool is designed for print and includes pertinent nutrition and health information. We would love for you share any of these resources in your practice and community!
This project was funded by a grant (Raising Consumption of North Carolina Sweetpotatoes through Nutrition Education) through North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Foundation. Content is solely responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. Content written by: Chelsea LeBlanc Jones, RDN, LD and the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission Staff.
Talking Points For dietitians involved in media, these tips offer interesting, tidbits of information about sweetpotatoes and the topics covered in each month’s theme. Ty work perfectly for shar ing at events, tours, media interviews, television and radio segments, podcasts and so much more. Recipes The NCSPC has a wide variety of recipes to choose from, whether you are searching for dietary specific recipes or cuisine (gluten-free, vegetarian, kid-friendly, etc.) or just want inspiration for a meal or snack. Many of these recipes have been developed by Registered Dietitians, food bloggers, and professionals in the food industry, not to mention our own staff. Social Media Copy We invite you to use these examples of timely social media posts to keep your followers engaged and up to date. We’ve included seasonal recipes, cooking and nutrition tips, as well as links to other resources a well.
Newsletter Copy This section was designed with those in mind that write monthly newsletters for their clients. From the digital version, by using copy and paste tools, we have tips for you to share in your local newspaper or your personal newsletter. Remember to include your contact information so clients are easily able to reach you for more detailed advice and information.
Social Media Handles:
Sweetpotatoes - one word Throughout this book, sweetpotato is deliberately spelled as one word unless directly quoting a source where it is spelled as two words. (i.e., sweet potato). The one-word spelling was officially adopted by the National Sweet potato Collaborators in 1989. Sweetpotato (Impomea batatas) must not be confused in the minds of shippers, distributors, warehouse workers, and above all consumers with the equally unique and distinctive potato (Solanum tuberosum) or the yam (Dioscorea sp.) Which are also grown and marketed commercially in the United States.
Teaching Tools - Nutrition Tips
We’ve included seasonal recipes, cooking and nutrition tips, as well as links to other resources a well.
North Carolina Sweetpotatoes
North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission
Follow author and dietitian Chelsea LeBlanc @chelsealeblancrdn on Instagram!
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