Sweetpotato HUMMUS


TALKING POINTS y September is National Family Meals Month, a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds and create healthy eating habits. Get kids involved in the kitchen with fun activities like washing vegetables, mixing ingredients, or using cookie cutters to make fun shapes. This not only makes mealtime more enjoyable but also teaches them valuable cooking skills and encourages them to try new foods. Enjoy the quality time together and make mealtime a family affair! y It’s National Fruits and Veggies Month, a perfect time to explore the variety of produce available! Challenge yourself or your kiddo to pick out a new fruit or veggie to try during your next grocery trip. Not only will this make shopping more fun, but it also encourages healthy eating habits and expands your culinary horizons. Happy tasting! y In honor of National Cholesterol Education Month, let’s talk about how to keep it in check. Cholesterol is a waxy substance in your blood, and having too much can raise your risk of heart disease and stroke. Luckily, adding fiber-rich foods like sweet potatoes to your diet can help lower bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and boost your heart health. Remember: Check, Change, and Control your cholesterol. Check your cholesterol levels to know your numbers and assess your risk. Change your diet and lifestyle to improve your levels. Control your cholesterol, with help from your healthcare professional if needed. Many people think of tailgating need to be high in fat and sugar. Football and tailgate season don’t have to go against healthy eating habits. Put together your own tailgate platter filled with fresh produce items. Baby carrots, celery, grapes, baked sweetpotato fries, berries, cheese and crackers make for a colorful, appealing and healthy platter idea. y It’s Better Breakfast Month! Often, we forget to include protein and fiber in our breakfast, leaving us hungry soon after. Create a balanced breakfast by including sources of both protein and fiber, such as eggs, yogurt, and nut butter for protein and fiber-filled foods like whole wheat bread, oats, or even sweetpotatoes. Following these tips can help keep you full and energized throughout the morning.

SOCIAL POSTS It’s Better Breakfast Month! Start your day with protein and fiber to keep you full. Try this delicious Sweetpotato Hash Egg Cups recipe ! September is National Family Meals Month , a perfect time to gather around the table and enjoy delicious meals together. For a tasty and nutritious dinner that everyone will love, try these Maple Mustard Sweet potato Chicken Skewers ! Cooking and eating together helps strengthen family bonds and creates lasting memories. #BetterBreakfast #HealthyFamilyMeals #HealthyEating #ncsweetpotatoes


• 1 can Garbanzo Beans (15.5 Oz) • ½ Cup roasted sweetpotato, mashed without skin

• ½ tsp garlic powder • 1 Tbsp lemon juice • ½ tsp salt • ½ tsp black pepper • ¼ Cup olive oil • ¼ Cup low sodium vegetable stock

Directions 1. Rinse garbanzo beans under cool water until water runs clear. 2. In a food processor, pour garbanzo beans, sweetpotato, garlic powder, lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Pulse mixture until beans are crumbly and in small pieces. 3. Turn food processor on and slowly drizzle in the olive oil and vegetable stock through the open spout on top of the processor lid. 4. Process hummus until smooth and creamy. 5. Serve hummus room temperature or cold alongside freshly cut up vegetables or whole grain crackers an easy snack.

NEWSLETTER COPY September is National Family Meals Month , a perfect time to celebrate the many benefits of eating together as a family. Sharing meals helps strengthen family bonds, improves communication, and fosters healthier eating habits. Studies show that family meals can boost children’s academic performance and reduce risky behaviors. To make mealtime easier and nutritious, consider incorporating sweetpotatoes into your dishes. They are versatile, packed with vitamins, and loved by all ages. Try simple recipes like sweetpotato fries, mashed sweetpotatoes, or roasted sweetpotato cubes. These can be prepared ahead of time and added to any family meal, making it easier to gather around the table and enjoy quality time together.

TEACHING TOOLS For ideas on how to incorporate sweetpotates into your child’s lunch check out our Teaching Tool Download • “Sweetpotato Ideas for School Lunches!”



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