FALL 2022


DYK the NC SweetPotato Commission Foundation has been the beneficiary of $473,581.00 from grant funding sources since 2019? A 2019 grant from the NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission (TTF) has allowed us to “ Bring the Farm to Consumers.” We were awarded $60,000 whichwe used to create classroom curriculum, a Retail Registered Dietitians Tool Kit, create educational videos and purchase two new Spencer Sweetpotato costumes. Most of this available on our website, ncsweetpotatoes.com. Our grower-focused NC Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) will reimburse growers for soil sampling and nematode testing. If you have not taken advantage of this, you really should! NCSPCF received

practices utilizing dump tank water treatment, disposal of contaminated water and more. Once the research has been gathered, a management guide of best practices will bemade available. Weare excited to find more ways to eliminate this invasive pest. Finally, we have a matching grant from USDA Food and Nutrition Service in the amount of $71,845 . This grant allows us to expand the curriculum previously funded by the TTF grant, create more digital content to provide teachers additional tools to use in the classroom and help get students excited about NC sweetpotatoes. Collectively over the past few years we have received $473,58.00 to assist growing our many areas of education and marketing. That’s some “ pretty sweet ” marketing if you ask us!

$175,000 and to date, very few farmers have taken advantage. Reimbursement forms are available in the Member portal. If you can’t get into yourmember portal and need assistance, call the NCPSC office and someone can assist you. Time is running out to receive your reimbursement. Forms must be received by December 30, 2022, due to the grant end date. Don’t be left out , let us help offset costs for testing your fields! Our 2 nd SCB Grant kicked off this year garnering NCSPCF $166,736 to focus on “ Controlling GRKN in Sweetpotato Packing Facilities ”. We have contracted Ann Gallagher, retired NCDA&CS PlantPest Specialist, to facilitate thisprogram. Annhasbeenworking with most of our packing houses to determine best practices in keeping them pest free. We are also working with NCSU on best

“Don’t be left out, let us help you offset the costs for testing your fields!”


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